Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Toothpaste and other squeezables

My two year old dear son likes to squeeze toothpaste. He likes to squeeze it on the floor, on his hands, and any other available surface he can get to before he is caught. Since the toothpaste is now up high from his reach, he has ventured into other squeezables. We found honey squirted on the new wood floor in the kitchen. I found jam from a newly purchased bottle (you'd think I'd have caught on by now and stopped buying squeezable bottles) blobbed onto the living room floor. I have a proud red stain to mark that location.

Something interesting happened last night. My five year old son got up to go to the bathroom after being in bed. A few minutes later I walked past the bathroom and found him with the bottle of soft soap (the foamy kind) - he was making a line across the threshold into the hallway with the soap. Our conversation went something like this: "How come you are putting soap on the floor? Did that look dirty to you?" to which he replied, "Yes, I fought it was diwty and I was cweaning it." "That's nice of you, but I think you better wipe it off now. Next time you see something dirty, ask first, okay?" (I handed him a rag to wipe with.)

It makes me wonder. Not what was going through my older son's mind. I wonder that too. But it makes me think back to all those times when we found "stuff" squeezed all over. Was it really my little boy, or was my older son getting away with something?

1 comment:

Amy said...

We swear by Resolve carpet cleaner in my house... with two kids and three cats, we use a lot of it!

It does make you wonder about the real source of those "messes", doesn't it? :)