Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bargaining amongst my children

This weekend brought a day I always wish for; the toothfairy talk. Ellie wanted to know if the toothfairy was real. "Yes," my heart cried. "One more down." We talked about what she thought and ended with "don't tell your younger sister or brothers." Then realization dawned on Ellie: "but can I still get a dollar when I lose a tooth?" My heart fell. I quickly replied "no" and walked away fast, hoping to avoid the sunken face and pout that were sure to follow my reply. Of course, Ellie went and moped around in her room. I ignored her.

Then I found the note. Placed on my pillow, with a marker for my reply. "Can I get a dollar every other time I lose a tooth? Write yes or no on the back and return to me."

Didn't I teach her to try other methods when the results weren't what she wanted? Shouldn't I be proud of my daughter for trying to find a solution that works for both of us? Instead I thought, "Oh sure, now I would not only have to remember to put the dollar under the pillow, but also remember if this was the paying time or the not paying time."

My reply: "We'll see." I know it's a cop-out, but I can only dish out disappointment so many times in one day.

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