Monday, July 09, 2007

Compost and summer

I can't believe how much of summer is already gone. It's time to start thinking about shopping for school clothes. I'm just getting used to the summer schedule, which means we'll be switching schedules soon.

I decided to start a compost bin this summer. I've been wanting to do one for a few years. I love the whole idea of it. Your food scraps go into it, making a purpose to all the food my children waste. Your yard scraps go into it, saving space in the landfields. It benefits your garden and flowers by adding valuable nutrients....blah blah blah. So I started with a simple compost bin, made from a rubber garbage can. You just have to find one with a tight lid and cut a few holes on the sides for ventilation. Okay, done! I was so proud of myself. I even bought some bricks and placed them in the garden for the compost bin to sit on.

I added some scraps, a little water and let it sit. Few days later, I rotated the compost bin by turning it on its side and rolling it a bit. Added more scraps, and a few weeks later was well on my way to making some awesome compost.

Then I found a hard piece of toast on the bathroom floor with a noodle stuck on it. I became a little suspicious. Out to the compost bin - I found that my dog had pried away one of the sides to the lid (the compost bin was laying on its side) and she had dug out some food. Gross! I lifted the can and discovered that the lid was no longer tight. Okay. Plan B. Just roll it around each day but leave it standing upright. Well, that didn't work either because it leaked when I was rolling it around. I also suspect that the sprinkler was adding more water through those venting holes placed in the sides. It was really yikey. (Yes, yikey is a word.)

I decided to ban the compost bin. I dumped all the contents into a garbage bag. It was the worst smell I have ever smelled, and with five kids, that is saying a lot. I mean it was a really horrible smell. I gagged.

I tried, I failed. Next year I'll just send dear hubby to the argricultural site to buy a truckload of compost. Much safer choice.

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